Childrens Bed Shop
When to move child from toddler bed to single bed
Is it time to move from a toddler bed to single bed? The transition from toddler bed to single bed is probably harder for the parents than the child. If we are honest, that small toddler bed represents those early years where our children have needed us the most. However, we can’t keep our kids small forever and there comes... Read More -
What to consider when buying a children's bed with mattress
Let's face it. We all love it when our kids are asleep! All of us have obsessed over when they go to sleep and how long they sleep for. It is vital that children get good sleep and it's a fact that they need more sleep than adults. A child's brain consolidates its learning during sleep, and this is the... Read More -
What is a captain's bed?
The aptly named captains bed is inspired by space-saving furniture designs found on sailing ships. Space is at a premium on a boat so beds are designed to be higher off the ground with cleverly built-in storage underneath. These beds are just as popular on-land as they are at sea. They are the perfect beds for children as they provide... Read More -
Are bunk beds safe for toddlers?
Children grow so fast and in order to do so, they need plenty of sleep. It is, therefore, vital that you find the perfect sleeping solution for your kids. Now your toddler has outgrown their cot, you may be considering buying bunk beds to help minimise space. Can toddlers sleep in a bunk bed? No child under the age of... Read More -
Tips for Homeschooling your children during lockdown
With schools closed, parents are trying to keep their children entertained. Homeschooling may seem a daunting prospect, but with the right resources and furniture, you can keep children focused on their learning and add some routine to your days. Create the right environment Your child needs a quiet, well-lit place to work. Ideally, they should be sat at a desk... Read More -
How to keep a normal routine during lockdown
Our usual lives may be on hold whilst the world is in lockdown, but routine is still essential in helping children maintain some normality in their lives. How do I create a routine? First of all, be flexible. Plan a schedule that includes both structured activities as well as free time. Some children may even like planning their routine, so... Read More -
Introducing our favourite beds with desks
With the spread of the coronavirus completely upending everyday life, we’re all scrambling to adapt. On top of getting to grips with social distancing, educating ourselves on virus transmission and learning to live our entire lives indoors, we’ve also got to contend with having kids at home - all day, every day. To ensure they don’t spend all of this... Read More -
Creating the perfect study space
Governments are doing everything they can to slow the spread of coronavirus. Just a few days ago, the UK took the unprecedented decision to close schools. With it, the education system has ground firmly to a halt - exams have been cancelled and teachers sent home. Already under pressure parents are now being asked to scramble to cobble together a... Read More -
Bite-size guide to the KonMari method
A new year brings with it new challenges. And some of them are entirely of our own creation. After mining our last twelve months for positives and negatives, we resolve to make changes that we hope will make the next twelve months even more enjoyable. For many, the key to a better year lies in our appearance. We take up... Read More -
What is The Healthiest Sleeping Position?
Self Sleeping Habits for Infants and parents When it comes to catching those all-important zzz’s the sleeping position you and your children choose could be affecting the quality of sleep as well as having negative impacts on the body. Your most loved sleeping pose could be the cause of aches and pains, tummy troubles and even premature wrinkles (for the... Read More