Childrens Bed Shop

  1. 10 Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Children

    Most of us can remember being read to as children if we were lucky enough to have parents who recognised the importance of books. It was a special time cuddled up with Mum or Dad, just after bath time and just before sleep, when we snuggled into bed to hear a bedtime story. But there are many benefits to reading to children other... Read More
  2. Tips On Getting Your Children Back Into A Routine After Christmas

      If you have children, then once the beginning of December comes around it is difficult not to get caught up in the Christmas madness. There is the run-up to the big day itself, which is likely to be filled with Christmas plays, parties and fairs, while the actual holiday period can be a merry-go-round of visiting, hosting visitors, late... Read More
  3. Christmas Giveaway: Win a Steens Mid Sleeper Bed

    On the Children's Bed Shop blog this month we are over the moon to have up for grabs an authentic Steens Kids Mid Sleeper Bed in our Christmas giveaway.   A new bed might not spring to mind as the ideal Christmas gift; however, when it is a Steens Mid Sleeper Bed from Children's Bed Shop  ‒ well, this is something... Read More
  4. Children’s Bed Shop Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide

    From the letter to Santa to seeing the delight on little faces when they troop downstairs on Christmas Day to investigate stockings and parcels, the season seems to embody the fun of childhood. It's fair to say, though, that adults spend more than they can afford on gifts which quickly lose their appeal. Luckily, we have a great range of... Read More
  5. How Often Should You Replace Your Children's Mattress and Bedding?

    According to recent studies, the average Briton keeps hold of pillows and duvets for considerably longer than the recommended length of time. Many people don't know how often you should replace your children’s mattress, pillows, and duvets as well as their own, and only do so once they feel noticeably worn or thin. However, ideally, they should be thrown out before... Read More
  6. Back to School: 6 Tips for Getting Back into a Good Bedtime Routine

    A good sleep routine is essential to support growing bodies and minds. Naturally, we relax our routines during the summer holidays, but it’s important to make sure they’re re-established in time for the new school year. It’s easier said than done, but aspects like reintroducing a bedtime and investing in good bedroom furniture like the Julian Bowen midsleeper beds for... Read More
  7. Tips and Tricks to Getting Your Child to Sleep on Holiday

    Sleep challenges should not stand in the way of having a great holiday with your family. If you have worked really hard in getting your child into a good bedtime routine, you may be worried that a holiday could undo all of your good work. It can be difficult as a holiday can play havoc with your usual sleeping pattern... Read More
  8. 6 Reasons Why We Love Stompa Casa Beds

    Why do we love Stompa Casa beds so much? Because they let our children relax, work, play and sleep all in the same space - that’s why! So much more than just a bed, the Stompa Casa High Sleepers are above all fun and ingenious design classics that not only look superb but also provide practical solutions if you are... Read More
  9. Kids Bedroom Storage to Decor: Decorating Your Child’s Bedroom

    From space and money saving solutions to kids bedroom storage, we have put together some top tips on how to decorate your child’s bedroom. This task can be a fun and challenging experience. With so many different designs and concepts to choose from, there is definitely something for all children whatever your budget. 1. Set a Budget Before redesigning of... Read More
  10. Children’s Beds and How to Deal with Nightmares

    Nightmares are extremely common for children but there are things you can do to help them cope starting with your children's beds. Adults know that nightmares are not real but even then they can leave you feeling scared and upset. Imagine how a child must feel when they do not understand that the terrifyingly lifelike images they have experienced are... Read More

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