Childrens Bed Shop

  1. Bedtime Podcasts for Teenagers

    Podcasts are widely recognised as one of the best ways to relax without staring at screens. Check out more information about them here, and why they may be suitable for your child. Read More
  2. World Book Day

    World Book Day has supported children and provided them with the opportunity to fall in love with reading since 1995. Find out how they can help you, and what you can do to help them. Read More
  3. Spring Cleaning with Your Children

    This year, Spring begins on Sunday 20th March and daylight saving time begins on Sunday 27th March. Here at the Children's Bed Shop, we are very much looking forward to the change in season. With both dates fast approaching, you may be starting to think about doing a little bit of spring cleaning. This looks different for different families. You... Read More
  4. Top Picks By Children's Bed Shop

    Lots of parents come to us when choosing a bed for their child as we are one of the only companies in the UK that specialises in children's beds and children's beds alone. As a specialist, we do of course have a list ready and waiting for you to browse through, covering our top picks! These include children's cabin beds... Read More
  5. Mid Sleeper & Cabin Beds; What's the difference

    Is there any difference between a cabin bed and a mid sleeper bed? We pride ourselves on being one of the only retailers in the UK that specialise in children's beds and bedroom furniture. We stock and sell a substantial range of children's beds and bedroom furniture made by brands you know and trust at prices to suit all budgets... Read More
  6. Bedtime Routine and Sleeping Guide for New Parents

    Have you just brought your little bundle of joy home from the hospital? If the answer is yes, then we would firstly like to congratulate you on your adorable new addition to the family. Secondly, we would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of parenting together with all of its highs and lows (but mostly highs!). If you... Read More
  7. A Steens Bed Can Go a Long Way

    Here at Children's Bed Shop, we stock a wide range of products made by Steens Furniture. Products include bed frames, wardrobes, draw chests, desks, bookcases and even accessories such as pocket tidies, tents, tunnels, and slides. Steens Furniture will stand the test of time as it is made from solid pine and environmentally-friendly materials. Not only is the furniture durable... Read More
  8. Christmas Traditions with the Family

    The Christmas season is finally upon us! The leaves have fallen from their trees and the days have become colder and darker. However, this just means that Christmas is on its way and Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year after all! Mince pies, mulled wine, carols, decorations, watching films by the fire in cosy pyjamas, gift giving... Read More
  9. Children's Beds With Guaranteed Delivery for Christmas

    One of the most wonderful things about Christmas is spending time with friends and family. A houseful is usually a real pleasure, once you can work out the logistics of where everyone will sleep. Now is a good time to plan and think about where you have sofa beds and perhaps browse our selection of childrens beds in the UK... Read More
  10. Consider Steens for Kids beds

    Designed to grow with your child, Steens bedroom furniture adapts to meet your space and storage needs too. The beauty of this is that you get a high-quality bed that can be expanded, adjusted, or have parts replaced over its lifetime. Your little one gets a bed that changes to meet their functional needs, at the same time you know... Read More