bedroom furniture
Why Consider a Triple Bunk Bed For Your Children?
Here at the Children's Bed Shop, we stock a varied selection of both triple bunk beds and triple sleepers. There are lots of reasons why you may choose to purchase a triple bunk bed or a triple sleeper. Maybe you have three children & at this time in their lives, they either need or want to share a room. If... Read More -
How to Keep Your Kids in a Good Sleeping Pattern During the Summer Holiday
Although it may feel like months and months away, the summer holidays are fast approaching. It is hard to believe, but our youngsters only have one full term left at school before the summer holidays are upon us! Kids absolutely love the longest holiday of the school year - the summer holidays with promises of long, warm days stretching ahead... Read More -
Why You Should Consider Stompa for Your Child's Bedroom
Here at the Children's Bed Shop, we stock the children's bedroom furniture brand, Stompa. Stompa beds specialise in children's bedroom furniture and have done since the 1960's. The company was originally founded in Norway and became very popular in Scandinavia, becoming known for producing high-quality products. The company's products were first introduced to the UK in the 1980's & they... Read More -
How Your Kids Can Get a Better Night's Sleep
Is your little one tossing and turning in bed at night trying to get comfortable? Do they sometimes wake up in the morning complaining about aches and pains? Are there occasions where your little one is waking up and don't feel as though they've had a proper night's sleep, which leads to bad moods and tantrums? If the answer to... Read More -
Help your child overcome their bedtime fears and nightmares
For many children Halloween is one of the most fun times of year. But for others, images of witches, ghosts and ghouls can linger in their little minds and cause bedtime fears and nightmares. When kids don't sleep, parents don't sleep and the whole household suffers. Nightmares and bedtime worries are most common among children aged three to eight, because... Read More -
More than just children's beds
The ideal children’s room is about so much more than just their bed. The right colours on the wall, the best carpet or rug to make it cosy and the other furniture, which can really make a room into a safe, versatile space for your child. Children's beds come in many shapes and sizes, from bunks beds to cabin beds... Read More -
Tips for Homeschooling your children during lockdown
With schools closed, parents are trying to keep their children entertained. Homeschooling may seem a daunting prospect, but with the right resources and furniture, you can keep children focused on their learning and add some routine to your days. Create the right environment Your child needs a quiet, well-lit place to work. Ideally, they should be sat at a desk... Read More -
How to keep a normal routine during lockdown
Our usual lives may be on hold whilst the world is in lockdown, but routine is still essential in helping children maintain some normality in their lives. How do I create a routine? First of all, be flexible. Plan a schedule that includes both structured activities as well as free time. Some children may even like planning their routine, so... Read More -
5 Cool Children’s Beds: All The Storage & Adventure You Need this Christmas!
Give your child the best night’s sleep with these cool children’s beds! As the festive season is almost upon us and the Christmas lists are forever expanding, why not consider a new bed for your child’s bedroom. It can be a nightmare keeping their space tidy, never mind trying to house the mountain of toys! Keeping children’s bedrooms tidy can... Read More -
The Real Monsters your Children are Worrying About this Halloween (Stress and Fears in 2019)
It’s the month of scary costumes, excessive amounts of candy and spooky Jack-o'-lanterns. Halloween brings many monsters and most children believe them not to be true, but what about the real terrors your children might have, from natural disasters to everyday worries. A child is forever increasing their awareness of the world, the people in it and adjusting to bad things... Read More