Children's Bed Shop
8 Books You Should Read to Your Kids at Bedtime
Studies have shown that the benefits of reading to your kids at bedtime are many. From giving your child’s language skills a head start, to strengthening the natural bond between parent and child. Bedtime stories can be a necessary precursor in ensuring a long, uninterrupted night’s sleep and Thuka Cabin beds are the perfect way to create a relaxed environment... Read More -
Our 6 Favourite Children's Bed Shop Beds
Here at Children’s Bed Shop, we understand how tricky it can be to choose the best possible bed for your child. With March being the official National Bed Month, we thought there was no better way to celebrate than with a guide to our favourite children’s beds. From the Julian Bowen Midsleeper to the Sweet Dreams Ruby Bunk bed, we’ve... Read More -
What single bed is right for your child?
Sleep is pivotal to your child’s development, so it’d make sense to put a lot of consideration into what bed would suit them the best. After all, they do spend at least a third of their day in bed. Here at Children’s Bed Shop, we stock a wide range of children’s beds for you to choose from in a variety... Read More -
The Benefits of Buying Children’s Bedroom Furniture Online
Buying furniture can be somewhat stressful. More stressful still, is buying furniture for your child’s bedroom. You want them to feel like they have an opinion in what they’re getting, after all: it is their bedroom. However, after dragging them around furniture store after furniture store they often can’t be bothered and just want to go home. It’s a hard... Read More -
What to Consider When Buying a Midsleeper
Choosing the right bed for your child can be time consuming with a wide range of fantastic beds available. There might be many factors to consider including your child’s age, size and space available. We’ve put together a few things you should think about before buying one of our favourites, the midsleeper. What to Look For Think about the height... Read More -
10 Benefits of Reading Bedtime Stories to Children
Most of us can remember being read to as children if we were lucky enough to have parents who recognised the importance of books. It was a special time cuddled up with Mum or Dad, just after bath time and just before sleep, when we snuggled into bed to hear a bedtime story. But there are many benefits to reading to children other... Read More -
Tips On Getting Your Children Back Into A Routine After Christmas
If you have children, then once the beginning of December comes around it is difficult not to get caught up in the Christmas madness. There is the run-up to the big day itself, which is likely to be filled with Christmas plays, parties and fairs, while the actual holiday period can be a merry-go-round of visiting, hosting visitors, late... Read More -
Christmas Giveaway: Win a Steens Mid Sleeper Bed
On the Children's Bed Shop blog this month we are over the moon to have up for grabs an authentic Steens Kids Mid Sleeper Bed in our Christmas giveaway. A new bed might not spring to mind as the ideal Christmas gift; however, when it is a Steens Mid Sleeper Bed from Children's Bed Shop ‒ well, this is something... Read More -
Children’s Bed Shop Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide
From the letter to Santa to seeing the delight on little faces when they troop downstairs on Christmas Day to investigate stockings and parcels, the season seems to embody the fun of childhood. It's fair to say, though, that adults spend more than they can afford on gifts which quickly lose their appeal. Luckily, we have a great range of... Read More -
How Often Should You Replace Your Children's Mattress and Bedding?
According to recent studies, the average Briton keeps hold of pillows and duvets for considerably longer than the recommended length of time. Many people don't know how often you should replace your children’s mattress, pillows, and duvets as well as their own, and only do so once they feel noticeably worn or thin. However, ideally, they should be thrown out before... Read More