Is it time to move from a toddler bed to single bed?

The transition from toddler bed to single bed is probably harder for the parents than the child. If we are honest, that small toddler bed represents those early years where our children have needed us the most. However, we can’t keep our kids small forever and there comes a time when you have to move from a toddler bed to single bed.

When to move your child from a toddler bed to single bed?

There are a few signs that will tell you when your child is ready to move to a single bed.

1. Watch their weight
Toddlers may look small, but they are growing rapidly. Keep an eye on their weight as most toddler beds are designed to hold up 22kg. Make sure you check this if your toddler has a sudden growth spurt.

2. Give them room
A toddler bed may be long, but they aren’t very wide. Your little one may need more room. Otherwise, they risk falling out of bed more often.

3. Listen to them
It is probably time to move from toddler bed to single bed when your child asks. They may start feeling that their little bed is a bit ‘babyish’ and will want to feel more grown-up.

4. School starts
They really should be out of a toddler bed by the time they start school. Toddler beds are not designed for school kids, so think about making the switch before they begin school.

How do we make the change?

Talk to your toddler about the change before it happens. Give them a few weeks notice, so it isn’t a complete surprise. Let them go shopping. Here at Children's Bed Shop we stock a vast range of single beds, this means they can choose a bed that is perfect for them.

Think about their bedroom layout. A single bed is larger than a toddler bed; therefore, it will take up more space. There are plenty of cheap single beds with storage that will solve your space problem. If possible, have the bed next to a wall. This means there is less chance of your child falling out of bed. You can also buy guardrails for single beds.

If you do opt for one of the many cheap single beds with storage on offer, let your child help with the reorganisation of their things. This will give them ownership of their new bed and make it feel more familiar.

Whenever you decide to do it, make your child feel special. It is an exciting time for them. Why not hold a ‘new bed party’ to celebrate the change or get them a special treat they can store on their new bed? We are sure that they will embrace this new stage of their life.